The Fiends of Eastern Europe harbor twisted secrets that make other vampires
shudder. Vicissitude, the signature Discipline of the Tzimisce clan, reflects the inner
nature of the most alien of vampires. Through Vicissitude, the wielder can reshape
flesh under his very touch, whether into gross deformity or uneathly beauty.
When used on mortals, ghouls, revenants and vampires of weaker generation
than the user, Vicissitude’s effects are permanent. Vampires of equal or more potent
generations can heal back each Vicissitude- inflicted scar as an aggravated wound.
Of course, a user of this Discipline can always shape his own flesh as desired.
Nosferatu, Samedi and vampires with similar deformities in their blood
always heal back alterations of Vicissitude that attempt to improve their appearances.
The Curse of Caine is not so easily circumvented.
Vicissitude uses the Crafts: Body Crafts Ability for retests. Most Vicissitude effects
require physical contact and a Physical Challenge as the vampire tears into the flesh
of the opponent. Such strikes use Crafts: Body Crafts for retests, instead of Brawl,
since the aim is to mutate the flesh. For certain surgical effects, the Storyteller may
require some level of Medicine Ability as well.

Bending your flesh under your hands, you can change your own appearance.
Malleable Visage allows you to duplicate others or simply make your own
surface skin different from your natural forms. Cosmetic changes like alterations
of voice or skin tone and build are all possible, though you must actually sculpt
the desired changes into your flesh.
Changing yourself with Malleable Visage costs one Blood Trait, and it requires
you to spend time reshaping yourself appropriately. If you hope to copy someone
else, you must make a Static Mental Challenge, difficulty of the subject’s Social
Traits, to pull off the disguise, and you still use your own Social Traits in any
challenge — you are simply duplicating the person’s appearance. You can also
afflict yourself with a hideous visage, taking on Repugnant Negative Traits (up
to three such additional Traits maximum).

Your hands can turn flesh to putty, shaping it like potter’s clay. You can perform
drastic alterations to the flesh and organs of any creature that you touch.
You must touch your victim to use Fleshcraft, pulling or shaping the flesh
to your whims. You can reshape flesh on yourself or others within the limits
described in Malleable Visage, or you can move around clumps of tissue or simply
reduce someone to scarred deformity. These attacks do not inflict damage, but
each such strike causes the victim to suffer a Negative Trait of Repugnant (to a
maximum of three such Traits from this power). If you alter the distribution of
skin, fat and muscle, you can remove one (and only one) of the subject’s Physical
Traits and replace it with an extra health level, or reverse such an operation.

Just as you shape flesh with your touch, you can grasp and twist bone, turning
it into any desired shape or moving, lengthening, bending or compressing
it. Bonecraft lets you literally pull the bone through a subject’s flesh, or you can
use it with Fleshcraft to completely restructure a victim — or yourself.
Using Bonecraft allows you to remake appearances just like Fleshcraft, but you can also
change someone’s height or body structure, reshape bone into unusual or spectacular
forms, and even make bone spurs and weapons. You must grab the victim, and then
twist, pull or bend the bones appropriately. If you do so without exercising Fleshcraft,
each such strike causes one level of lethal damage as bones warp and tear their way
through flesh. Used in conjunction with Fleshcraft, you can rebuild someone’s visage
completely, or you can create defensive spines or offensive bone weapons. Such alterations
allow the subject to inflict lethal damage with otherwise unarmed attacks.

Your own body warps and grows into a hideous monstrosity with Horrid Form. Your
skin becomes black, rubbery and slimy, while sharp bony spikes protrude from your hands
and back. You grow to a full eight feet in height, and you shift into something from a
nightmare vision. Those unused to such sights may need to make a Courage test.
Awakening the Horrid Form costs two Blood Traits. You gain the Negative
Social Traits Bestial, Feral and Repugnant in this form, but you also gain the
Six Physical Traits for the
duration of the power. You may also not initiate Social Challenges except for
the purposes of intimidation. You inflict lethal damage in brawling combat, and
you score an extra health level of damage on all such attacks. You may remain
in Horrid Form until you decide to change back.

Deliquescing into a puddle of vitae is within your power. You need only
concentrate briefly, and you can reduce any of your limbs or body parts into a
puddle of your own pure blood.
Each limb (arm, leg, head) that you transform becomes one Blood Trait; your
body forms the remainder of your Blood Traits, up to your maximum size. You can
change part or all of yourself, as desired. This blood functions in all ways as your own
blood, but you retain a level of autonomic control over it. In Bloodform, you can move
at a slow walking pace as a puddle of blood, oozing over things and through cracks.
Changing body parts back requires only that you be in contact with the blood, or
that you regrow your part by expending Blood Traits appropriate to the part (a single
Trait to regrow a limb, for instance), in which case the blood that previously formed
the piece becomes inert. While fully in Bloodform, you can use mental Disciplines,
and you are immune to all physical dangers except fire or sunlight. If all of the blood
is imbibed or destroyed while you are in this form, though, you meet Final Death.