Ogham is only found among the fading Arhimanes bloodline, and they claim that one who does not share their curse cannot learn it. Since Ogham draws from the power of the dark forest spirit that touches each of them, it is quite possible that they are correct. The Lhiannan know that the spirit that empowers them is waning, growing weaker by the decade, but for now, at least, the power of the blood compensates.
Using Ogham is avery personal experience, for the spirit that shapes the magic lies at the core of the Arhimanes. No Arhimanes uses Ogham casually. Another limitation of this power is that a Lhiannan’s use of it is linked to her home demesne. Those who pass more than50 miles from their territory must bid an additional Trait on all Ogham-related challenges.
Use Survival for retests of Ogham.

You can use your blood to awaken the forests to defend you by piercing your
skin and sprinkling the blood in a widdershins (counterclockwise) spiral. The
foliage in the area you consecrate will act in your defense, flailing at and tripping
Expend from one to three Blood Traits, taking one turn per Trait to anoint the
forest as described. One Trait covers an area 10 feet in diameter, and each
subsequent Trait doubles the diameter. For the remainder of the scene, any person
within the consecrated area who acts against you must bid an additional Trait in
any challenge to counteract the thrashing vegetation. Additionally, should you
use Consemate the Grove in heavy woods, your enemies must win a Physical
Challenge or take one level of bashing damage per turn.

By tracing ancient runes in blood across your body, you can invite spirits to
gird you physically and spiritually for battle. Bound by an ancient pact, these spirits
guide your Beast and fortify your mind and guide your hand in battle.
Spend one scene painting the runes on your body with one Blood Trait, then
expend from one to three Mental Traits. While under this power, you suffer no
penalties for being Bruised, and for each Mental Trait expended, you gain one
bonus Trait for all Courage Tests and Mental or Social Challenges. Once per use of Crimson Woad, you can call upon the spirits to direct your attack, inflicting one
additional level of damage per Mental Trait spent.
Crimson Woad lasts for one scene or until you take four levels of damage, in
which case, the runes are considered wiped away and the spirits freed.

By painting the name of an enemy in ancient runes in blood on your body, you
can bind spirits that will enact a curse upon your enemy when she sees it. You can
shape the form of the curse by placing the name in different locations on your body.
Expend three Blood Traits, and write the name of your enemy upon the
appropriate part of your body with them. The name must be painted in a visible
location, but the enemy need not be able to comprehend it. As soon as she sees it,
the enemy must win a Static Mental Challenge (difficulty seven Traits) or be
affected by the curse. The curse lasts until the name is rubbed off or defaced if you
suffer four or more levels of damage.
- Body: Written on the arms, legs or torso, this is the curse ofweakness. Mortals
must bid an extra Trait in all Physical Challenges, and Cainites cannot use blood
in any way other than the single Trait necessary to stay active.
- Mind: Painted across the forehead, this curse disjoints the enemy’s mind. In any
Mental Challenge, the enemy must expend a Willpower Trait or automatically relent.
- Voice: Painted on the throat, the enemy loses the power of speech. She may
grunt, but she cannot form words.
- Soul: Written directly above the heart, the enemy is overwhelmed by primal
feelings. Mortals must flee your domain and Cainites are two Traits down on tests
to resist frenzy.

You can paint ancient glyphs of the celestial bodies upon yourself to invoke
the aid of their spirits. Lunar spirits provide special gifts, while solar spirits ward off
the worst effects of sunlight and fire.
It takes three Blood Traits and 15 minutes to inscribe one of these glyphs. The
glyphs must be exposed, and they can be inscribed on any willing subject. A single
person can benefit from both glyphs at the same time, but the power fades if the
glyph is rubbed off or defaced by the bearer taking four or more levels of damage.
If you wear the sun glyph, you can expend a Willpower Trait any time you are
exposed to fire or sunlight, converting one level of damage from aggravated to lethal.
If you wear the moon glyph, you are one Trait down in all tests to avoid frenzy,
but you gain two bonus Traits on all other challenges.

You can identify sites of power - cromlechs, faerie rings, dragon tracks and
the like - and draw spiritual energy from them. Doing so can be dangerous, for
wizards, faeries and Lupines also use these sites. Additionally, taking too much
energy from these sites can leave them barren and lifeless, as if you have drained
the lifeblood from the earth.
You must win a Static Mental Challenge - difficulty to be determined by the
Storyteller - to discern whether a location can provide power. Once a suitable
location has been discovered, you must expend a Blood Trait to mark the site and
attune yourself to it. Thereafter, unless someone interferes with your attunement,
you can drain the site’s mystical energy to yourself whenever you visit it, gaining
two bonus Traits for every Road Trait you possess. These bonus Traits last until
dawn, and they can be used in any challenges.